High Water Standard is a company with a pretty long story behind its brand name

About us

Igor Gramyko, the founder of High Water Standard Company, applied his scientific knowledge in the field of Geophysics to solve the problem of obtaining clean drinking water in the real world. His dream and the primary goal is to improve the quality of life of ordinary people, regardless of their living conditions.

The company has been in business for more than 15 years. Our staff is comprised of experienced professionals who have thoroughly studied water quality and emerging water-related issues throughout New York City.

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Choose High Water Standard Because

We value our reputation

High Water Standard offers our customers the most qualitative goods from domestic and foreign producers. Our main goal is to instill confidence in our partners and customers and our sustainable competitiveness, in addition to the quality of services and products offered.


We will quickly deliver and install our water filter systems anywhere in the city.

We show flexibility in relations with our clients

we try to be closer to them to identify and understand their needs, finding the most effective solutions to their requests. We position ourselves as the company that anticipates the needs and desires of our clients.

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